Revenue Management

Revenue Management
is to sell the right product to the right customer at the right time or the right price.
…How can a hotel determine what that “right price” should be?
Setting the “right price” is a challenging, never-ending process that is crucial to a hotel’s success.
Pricing should be rational and fair to customers. It should address differences in customer demand and segmentation across regions, hotel types and seasons and contribute to overall customer loyalty.
It should target specific customers and offer them the best possible price/value relationship for their money.
In addition, a hotel’s pricing strategy should help increase revenue.

Room Rate Guidelines
Room Rate Guidelines serve as the foundation for Hotel Rate strategies that balance the needs of the business with the expectations of guests.

Room Rate Guidelines

Rate Approach of a Hotel
Rate Strategy of Hotel refers to the comprehensive approach and methodology employed by the hotel to determine pricing for its services, accommodations, and

Rate Strategy of Hotel

Price Sensitivity
Price Sensitivity: To determine if weekday & weekend Sell Strategy Rates are correctly positioned by monitoring the relationship Price Sensitivity &Occupancy

Price Sensitivity

Reservation Booking Pace
Reservation Booking Pace: The captures how many individual and block reservations were on the books on any specific day, and tracks booking trends

Reservation Booking Pace

Resort Group Strategy The Following is guidelines aim to enrich it by tackling specific group pricing challenges unique to resorts

Resort Group Strategy