Conversion Ratio / Expert Review

Conversion Ratio / Expert Review

Conversion Ratio / Expert Review If you’d like a quick expert evaluation of Bookabus, you can find a summary in this session.

conversion Ratio

For a comprehensive review,  Now, let’s examine Bookabus’s homepage for potential enhancements.

Conversion Ratio / Expert Review

conversion Ratio

We’ve identified the first improvement opportunity: the text “continue” on a button lacks clarity about the next steps. A clearer alternative could be “Get a Free Quote.”

Another Clarity issue arises with the location dropdown in the form. While it appears to allow any location, it only lists major European cities. Clarifying its purpose could prevent confusion for visitors.

conversion Ratio

A Friction issue occurs in the form fields where clicking the arrow to open a dropdown doesn’t function. This could deter user Motivation due to a lack of functionality.

Trust indicators are lacking, though positive reviews exist.

Adding surnames and client pictures alongside an overall review score could enhance trustworthiness.

Completing the form for a trip from Amsterdam to Brussels reveals no significant issues, except for some errors. However, the “request” button is overshadowed by excessive text, potentially causing distraction.

The website lacks product details and images of buses, crucial for customers viewing the bus as a product. Including interior and exterior images and specifying amenities like toilets and Wi-Fi would address this clarity issue.

Conversion Ratio / Expert Review

Conversion Ratio / Expert Review

Lastly, a friction issue arises with the form requiring a phone number, which might deter potential customers who prefer email contact.

For Bookabus, these insights from our expert review could be valuable. The complete findings, along with others, are available in the expert review matrix and report.

Additionally, for your own website, it’s advisable to thoroughly examine each page on various devices to uncover any potential issues. Links to the expert review matrix and reports are provided in the lecture resources for further reference.

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