Steps Establishing Seasonality

Steps Establishing Seasonality

Steps Establishing Seasonality, Is a tool to help identify seasonal trends that affect your hotel,

– How these trends may differ across various market segments.

– This tool reviews historic data at the period or month level

The graphs, Show

——-> Demand,

——-> ADR, and

——-> Rooms Sold, allow you to look back historically by rate code.

-These graphs provide a view of the trends in market performance,

-The ADR and Rooms Sold graphs go back up to three years, t

-Demand graph up to two.

Steps Establishing Seasonality / Collecting Data

Steps Establishing Seasonality

Steps Establishing Seasonality

no more than five at a time for clarity’s sake -Select which rate codes to view –

-ِ-Adjust the time frame to focus on recent history or to look at longer term trends.

Steps Establishing Seasonality / Interface

Steps Establishing Seasonality

-The Market Share graph compares your property’s RevPAR to your Comp Set’s.

Steps Establishing Seasonality

-The variance between the two of these can be understood as the index premium.

This graph can help you determine if there is a seasonal component to our market share, and if our competitors are defining their seasons differently from us.  The report for full week data only.

-The External Factors table is a manual input These can include holidays, weather changes, school schedules in your market or key source markets.

-The Competitors manual entry.  List your competitors in the first column and you major market segments in the first row across the top.

-Fill in the grid with how strongly each competitor performs in each segment.

This exercise should help you to understand how and why their seasonal performance may alter from yours, and may highlight opportunities for us to grow market share.

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